Friday, April 25, 2008

I've got comics on my mind

Heya freaks and farts!

It's been awhile but I've been busy finishing up the Axeman music video for Amebix, more on that closer to it's release.

For the now however, the autobiographical comic for my course is finished, HOORAY! Boy, who'da thunk drawin thems prudy pictures was gunna be so hard? Apart form people with half a brain, ME! but it's done and it's turned out quite well.

The story is basically about me and my decision to stop being a victim of living and do something I want to do, not what others feel I should do. So, kinda obtuse right? You'd be right to say so, but I went with a stylistic choice of telling the story like a fairy tale, condensing it down and minimising details and even adding fantastical elements to an otherwise reality based story.

On the technical side, i feel it's too fast at the start. I did try and cram a lot of info into one page. The flow of the text and even the panels could have been enhanced and lets face it, i'm shite with photoshop. But that's O.K., it's all part of the learning curve.

So, my final judgement is that I have a long way to go before I match up to my heroes like Drew Hayes, or Neil Gaiman, but who the hell does?

Anyway, as usual enjoy and feel free to comment.

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