Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's been and gone...

Every body who missed my 22nd, raise your hand.

You officially suck.

But yes, my party was absolutely bitchin', yeah that's right, bitchin'. There was heavy metal, drinking, lots more drinking and even a brief spurt of violence. Oh, and minor propery damage, can't forget that now. The celebration of me went down a treat and everybody woke up the next day sore (freaking hangovers) and happy. lots of photos were taken and i've decided to share some, just so you can see what you missed out on. Winner = me!

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Sounds B'dass. and kinda reminds me of my 18th last year. so it MUST have been bad ASS! I've just scored yourself the official mitchell party seal of approval.