Sunday, February 22, 2009

A New Year Dawns

Greetings one and all.

Ok, I've been spastically remiss with this blog o'mine. I figure it's mostly because of a lack of purpose. I have been willy-nilly posting whatever takes my fancy at the time.

So I have something of a goal for this year; I watch a lot of movies, really alot of movies. I like discussing cinematic techniques, too. So, I'm going to use this blog space to dissemble movies and share my thoughts on what I liked/disliked or thought made the movie work, or not.

Futher, I find my self a prudent opportunity to tick off an assignment for TAFE. By the by, I'm back again. I have come back to Tafe for the express purpose of creating a 3D showreel worthy of what I've been taught.

Ok all, I think I'm about done here for now. Oh wait, RISEN DVD hits the shelves next month, GO TEAM ME!

Take it easy and enjoy folks.