Tuesday, July 29, 2008

'RISEN' Amebix Retrospective DVD

So, it's been a while since I sat down and blogged something. I thought I'd better just throw one out there for good measure.

But what to say? I saw Batman and thought it was awesome, which you'd think too if you were any kind of thinking human being. Or maybe I could regale you all with a hate anthem dedicated to my housemate and her preponderant need to use 'post-it' notes as a means of informing me what I'm doing 'wrong'. That's too unclassy for the hour of the night that i find myself in.

Well, I think I'll just lay out an update of the Amebix DVD. The same DVD that some of my amigo's and I created an animated music video for, yeah that one.

We recently were informed by the guys at Amebix HQ that they liked the clip so much, they were going to use pieces of it throughout the main feature. How freakin' awesome is that? Not only is the full clip going to be in the special features section, but it's going to be in the feature as well! I tell you, it makes the whole thing so much more worthwhile. The DVD is going to be released internationally late this year.

So that's something exciting anyway. I should say there are many possible things in store the future that may be as awesome, if not more, than this. However, for fear of getting myself too excited at nothing but shadows and impressions, I ain't sayin' shit.
